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24 May 2010
Hey~ I'm c0ming here wr0te the letter.
Longtime didn't upload in my bl0g here.
Happen had a lot of thing recently..
And i can't sleep well or no sleep lately..
Maybe i thinking about s0mething t0 disturbing it only..
But I don't thinking on badly oii, I don't kn0w my brain why like as keep think it.
0f late I so tired already, I don't wanna do anything ..
All pers0n can you Explanation that 3 w0rds [ I MISS HIM]
Can s0meone you c0me t0 understand by me
I h0pe need Friend belief f0r me , I'm never lied all than you bef0re!
Can you don't want keep suspect f0r me
I'm g0t self-esteem ..
D0 you understand f0r me?
If n0t like that , I sure won't said it ..
I means you want m0re understand me than you will realize me s0on>3
I do anything want you understand by me, I h0pe you don't keep misunderstanding me
After In case u g0t view my this letter,H0pe u will belief me !
All true 1...I als0 don't think said you on badly , because you make me angry then i can't endure it, I t0ld many bad thing with you ! Anyways i no suspect you until n0w and
never jealous it ~ True things which one m0re than realize me..
D0 you all kn0w ..

