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Out aqain~

XiiA0 ZhEn is Me!!


Yesterday so hapii by ourselver neh~

we both goinq sw1st~then buyinq thinq jau goinqsunway ahh~

gou hou xiao nehh^^syok at car~aiy0=)

talk talk talk dou reach there~

goinq see clothes 1st~many nice dress nehh^^

then we so hunqry ady..wan eatinq some f0od~

eatinq sabu sabu dinner ahh^^

so cham

not yummy qeh~

aiy0..we eatinq finish then bak ts nahh^^

buyinq thinqs aqain~hapi and syok aqain~

waitinq we goinq yamcha nahh^^so joyful ahh!!

we bak dou home midniqht around 12xxam..

Hapii days~ii l0ve u!!

XiiA0 ZhEn

mEet all the babe 2mrrw*

ii so anticipate 2mrrw


