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hanq suii wen!!


Hey~T0day im early woke up goinq prepare my skul things!
first ii goinq brush teeth,after then goinq put in maii skul bag..
Suddenly,got 1 terrible cat cuminq in my house inside^^
It walk inside no voice lehh~sure scare me lahh!!
ii still yii waii ghost become cat leii qeh!then ii daii shenq gill
ar~ar~ar~chou shenq my bro j0r!hehehess^^moRe shit!
first time threat me!!so afraid lehh~my body jun and lanq !
nxt time better don't want threat me lehh~im afraid'chirdren..
waitinq at afternoon me fonq xue,it is raininq!
then my gor gor fetch me goinq eatinq lunch,on the ways of us~
suddenly,my car zhuanq nan zuo..lehh~beii guo guo seii l0u ye..
zhuanq nan my car lehh~zhuanq dou abit oly~
so afraid lehh!ii hate seii ..tat guys seii lou ye!
ur eye
c emm dou my car d mehh~better tat guys seii lou ye..
h0u xin wear l0u fa spectacles lahh!Pls?
( Seii fan shu=>seii l0u ye)

