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Raininq out days~


yesterday at everninq around 6xxpm
raininq dou so biq~ii oso confirm goinq pm qeh^^
but ii waitinq stoppinq rain ahh~8xxpm sin stop=)
aiyo..first time ii goinq my babe bebe qeh house^^
then she fetch me go lolw~but she qeh house..
many doq nehh^^ii so afraid by myself^^
so fierce it lehh~tat time so dark ady!!

Then ii sittinq by car..still got abit rain nehh~
we both goinq pm walk lolw~but no rain ady~
walk ar walk ar~then my bebe so hunqry le~
after then go t0 eatinq carry mee there~
im not eat..bc0z im nqam eatinq bao zuo~
juz drink only!!hahahaha..xD!!

tat time we both talk le many j0r~then goinq find...
my bii suet yee , my darlinq mae and her friend~
but see dou no lonq time ...they wan bak home le~
haiz~nxt time we meet aqain~mWaAakx!

then ii wif bebe and tat boy t0gether goinq tmn desa petalinq yamcha
again~yamcha dou midniqht around 12xxam ,he fetch of us bak home^^


