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Hate you

23 july 10

K0nijiwa..Longtime didn't wrote to my blog already~

H0w are you recently all?

I'm fine here,but also got abit unhappy lately..

Happen alot of thing recently..

Don't kn0w in ourself, I'm understand t0 you ..

and i also got little stress in my j0b..

because I hate someone by my staff,she make me so angry herself^^

Always said myself on badly ..and told another people listen it~

I'm not okay? all people kn0w that you lah~

nobody want telling for you only...

we are endure it only..

Can you don't want work at here okay?

We are saw you l0ok everyweek..

S0 wanna beat f0r you j0r..Do you kn0w?

Cause you make us so dulan right n0w...

I don't think said her in my blog>Dirty

Fuck 0ff lah herself^^Shit!!!

