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Speechless New 1

4Jun 10
Yeppii..T0morrow start h0liday 2 week lo.
In h0liday expect working and d0n't kn0w g0t plan g0 where playing or n0t~
But i als0 happy and need enjoy as that time.
Anyway,I just need m0ney lately~
s0 I want earn a lot 0f money..
Cause I want bought s0methings t0o.
But recently i als0 so tired oii..
I think in h0liday i sure n0 m0re time t0 rest it~
Thought less 0n9 in that time, Whenever I sure miss you all
H0w are all that y0u recently?
M0ney ~ M0ney~ M0ney~
when i can take many it ..
钱不够用..wuwu !!
Where are you t0 going?

