Why all you be a l0w-d0wn(man) ?
I'm start n0w...
never will ever fallinq f0r u j0r~
because you always make me enouqh trouble ...
I never really l0okinq the man is treat s0meone that you badly...
Y0u sayinq many g0t problem things ..
Im can't listen f0r u..
I'm crazy?
Y0ur brain g0t problem ?
Although i sure s0 like you until n0w~
But y0u feelinq me crazy ..
We can't t0qether..
but you can don't say like tat !
MY heart feelinq very pain..
I'm just endure depression my mood 0nly !
Because I'm tired..
d0n't think quarrel 0nly!
Y0u understand my mean already?
Y0u can don't want say anythings on badly?
I'm will make y0u continue l0ve me ...
Anyways I'll waitinq f0r you..
Y0u Are mY Kinq ! !